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It makes all the difference.

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The PTA Sponsors a variety of events throughout the year, from Multicultural Night to Family Fun Nights.

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Welcome to the Hillside Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association Website!

Welcome to Hillside Elementary School! This site provides information about volunteer opportunities, PTA-sponsored activities and events, information for new families, important links and much more! The Hillside PTA is a volunteer, parent-run organization that supports the needs of our school families, staff and students. We work hard to run and provide funding for educational, fun, and enriching programs for our school.

How you can get involved

We know you're busy. Luckily, the PTA has a variety of ways that you can get involved.
We all want our kid's schools to be the very best they can. The way we can help best is by joining the PTA and getting involved in the life of the school. Its not just our kids and schools that benefit. You might just find you end up involved in a lot of fun too.
Discover Other Benefits to Joining the PTA
Volunteering as part of the PTA not only benefits the school, but it also benefits your child. When your child sees your involvement in the school, your child will see the importance you place in education.
See What Volunteer Opportunities are Available
The PTA supports many of the programs that our children love and which make our school so special. These include art appreciation, the makerspace, cultural arts, school plays, family fun nights, mini-grants for the teachers, and so much more!
Find Out How to Participate & How Our Money is Spent

Latest News

Find out what's going on at Hillside Elementary School.

Hillside PTA Shows Appreciation to Staff With Faculty Lounge Makeover

What started with a request for a new microwave turns into a full on Faculty Lounge Makeover! It was brought […]

Hillside’s Rock Garden is Complete!

Each year in March, the Hillside PTA hosts a week-long, art enrichment project to celebrate Art Appreciation Month.  Thanks to […]

Hillside’s NEW Nutrition Committee!

There’s always something new brewing at Hillside, and right now it’s our NEW Nutrition Committee!  The Nutrition committee was formed […]

Hillside Opens Its Heart to the Homeless

On Friday, January 19th, Hillside showed us exactly why “Hillside has Heart” is our motto.  All 3rd grade students participated […]

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