What started with a request for a new microwave turns into a full on Faculty Lounge Makeover!

It was brought to the Hillside PTA’s attention that the staff were not thrilled with the microwave they currently had in their Faculty Lounge.  Channeling their inner HGTV, the PTA decided that rather than just buy them a new microwave, why not turn their outdated and cluttered Faculty Lounge into a cozy and peaceful space that they can look forward to spending their lunch breaks and Friday Breakfasts in.  Thus, the PTA’s 2017-2018 Gift to the School was decided and the makeover was underway!

The Faculty Lounge

First things first, we needed a design.  Luckily, Jennifer Ellis-Rosa, Hillside parent and interior designer at Gensler, helped us come up with a vision for the space.  She designed a space that switched out the drab beige for a neutral gray that would lighten up the space, while also incorporating Hillside colors in a bright and fun way. As a focal point, she created an idea for a beautiful accent wall, that would look clean and bring in natural elements to the space.  With her keen eye for design, she came up with a new layout that would open up the room, along with possible furniture pieces that could accomplish that look.  With an overall plan in place, and the complete support of Mr. Gramata, the Faculty Lounge Makeover Committee went to work.

With a goal to have the space completed by Memorial Day weekend, Mary Garas, Rania Gerges, Coco Sung and Denise Dunton worked hard to find furniture pieces that would work with our budget and gave the same feel that Jennifer had designed for the room.  Thanks to Wayfair and Target, and Mary’s unbelievable negotiating skills, we were able to get all furniture and decorating elements at a great price.

Next we needed to reconfigure the room.  With the help of Mr. Joe, Hillside’s Head Custodian, we were able to get district electricians to move all the electrical off one wall to another, and have a district contractor come in and take out cluttered shelving, patch up holes, caulk and fix tiles on the floor.  Then, John Leich, another one of Hillside’s amazing custodians, who happens to do all the painting of district buildings in Livingston, offered to help us with the painting of the Faculty Lounge.  We couldn’t have been happier to have someone with painting expertise to help us with that large part of the project.

Then, John Entrada, Hillside parent and PTA Treasurer, flexed his construction muscles and built some additional shelves for storage and an absolutely gorgeous accent wall.  From the measuring of wood, to the cutting, nailing and caulking, John did a truly amazing job with bringing Jennifer’s accent wall vision to life.

With all the major pieces in place, the Faculty Lounge Committee gathered a few more times to assemble the furniture, move all the furniture to the new layout, decorate and add all the small touches (personalized sign, oil diffuser, wireless speakers, greenery, etc) that make the space a welcoming oasis from the staff’s busy days working with our children.  Also, we were incredibly lucky to have a few Hillside families generously donate new appliances for our staff lounge makeover, and even had enough money left in our budget to buy the lounge a new refrigerator!

After all the time and effort, we revealed the new and improved Faculty Lounge on Friday, May 26th.  The staff enjoyed their new space, with many stating they didn’t want to leave.

Thank you to everyone that was a part of this project.  The PTA could not have done it without you!

Mission Complete.  We have a happy staff!


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