Support your child’s school by looking for Box Tops on products you already use or may have in your home, clip them, and submit them to the PTA in order to earn money for Hillside.  Each Box Top is worth 10 cents and adds up quickly.  Don’t forget to write your name and teacher on your submission to be eligible for exciting prizes!


This Year’s Contest
This year’s contest is for the top 3 classes to receive a party at the end of the year, and we will announce multiple individual student and additional class prize promotions throughout the school year during our quarterly collections.


Current Box Top Leaderboard:
#1 Wallock
#2 Vitale
#3 Richmond



Current Contest
The Frosty Contest Winners are:
Kindergarten:  Bennet S. – Richmond
First Grade: Joey F. – Zweiback
Second Grade: Richie M. – Levine
Third Grade: Taryn D. – Wallock
Fourth Grade: Brennan B. – Trebbe
Fifth Grade: Joanna L. – Ebneth


The winners won Wendy’s Frosty tags, which entitles the holder to a free junior frosty with every visit for the year through 12/31/18.


Useful Links