The Hillside PTA is proud to offer after-school enrichment opportunities for our students.

The PTA has partnered with AlphaBest to offer classes such as chess and acting. AlphaBest currently works with several other schools in the area. Using AlphaBest allows us to offer more enrichment programs directly onsite at Hillside. We will offer a 6-week session in the Winter. Classes are 60 minutes.  Please click here for specific offerings and registration information.

The PTA also offers TREP$ and an annual school play to our 4th and 5th graders.  TREP$ is a 6 week, entrepreneurial program, which culminates in the children showcasing their businesses at Hillside’s Marketplace.  For more information about TREP$, Go Here.  Our annual school play meets before school and during recess to rehearse and finishes with two shows – one for the entire school and one for the parents.